As a student in the Master of Preservation Studies program in Tulane University's School of Architecture, the majority of projects completed involved an integral planning aspect. From planning for the revitalization of a streetscape to a neighborhood, to participating in the creation of a master plan for the adaptive reuse of a former hospital complex, planning for preservation was a highlight of the entire degree program. 

Below are examples of planning projects that required an understanding of the complex interrelationships between buildings and their communities.

This thesis discusses tourism-based short-term rentals and argues for the implementation of effective municipal planning measures to both preserve neighborhoods as well as provide for the longevity of the tourism industry.




This project involved planning for the revitalization of a commercial corridor through facade renew projects in the area and the proposals of possible amenities that would positively contribute to the community. 




This project involved the creation of a Historic Structures Report (HSR) for Christ Church Cathedral on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana. 




This project was the creation of a master plan for the adaptive reuse of the former Marine Hospital complex in Uptown New Orleans. It involved the documentation and conditions assessment of all of the extant buildings on the site, as well as proposals for appropriate reuses that would benefit the larger community as a whole.